Friday, February 5, 2010


The FDLR (Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda) are the enemy/opposition of the RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front). The FDLR is a group of Hutu exiles from the Rwandan Genocide, and they work against the FARDC (Congo Armed Forces), but wreak havoc together in the eastern part of Congo. These attacks are partially aided by the UN who believes that they should move out, and have also said “the joint military operations were catastrophic” ( The FDLR are also partially responsible for the 3.8 million people who were killed in 6 years (1998-2004). Even though many of those deaths were caused by starvation, and disease the FDLR, and FARDC often go on rants looking for food, and supplies, while raping and killing on their way through villages.

The FDLR and FARDC are also enemies of the LRA (Lords Resistance Army) led by Joseph Kony. I believe that the UN needs to get out, because if they don’t they will end up supporting the wrong group any way they go. The FARDC, FDLR, and LRA all commit human rights violations, and for the UN to support them is doing the wrong thing. If the UN wants to stay in they should fight separately for the people, or alongside the RPF who have sent some forces into Congo to help protect the civilians ( If the UN does not want to do either of the two they should just pull out.

Global Security

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