Friday, October 30, 2009

Capitilization Story

Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away, a human named Billybobjoejones Jackson wanted to learn about his father. You see Billybobjoejones had never known his father, but he had heard that he was a powerful man. Billybobjoejones decided that he would start his search for info about his father at the Intergalactic Space Station. The Intergalactic space station was 15 parsecs from Billybobjoejones house on the planet of East Virginia. After making the trip on his trash powered Air Hogs Motorcoptor, Billybobjoejones arrived at the space station.

Billybobjoejones Uncle Ejo worked at the Intergalactic Space Station. When Billybobjoejones got there he started to talk to his Uncle. Ejo said that he had just talked to Cousin Charles, and that Charles said that Billybobjoejones dad was in the Galactic Rio Grande Bible. Billybobjoejones found out that his dad was Zeus. He was astonished to read this in the Bible Atlas. “I can’t believe that I am the son of a god” cried Billybobjoejones. As Billybobjoejones continued to read on, he found out that his Uncle was Buddha. Once he was done Billybobjoejones went to see Mayor Flapjackjillrobinson. Billybobjoejones and Roger Flapjackjillrobinson were best friends growing up. Roger was the mayor of the Intergalactic Space Station.

When Billybobjoejones got to mayor Flapjackjillrobinson’s office he was amazed to see that President Borge M. Gush was also there. Gush was the president of the entire Galaxy. Billybobjoejones thought that it was funny when he found out that President Gush was there to take speech lessons. Gush was not known for giving great speeches. “Nice to see you roger” greeted Billybobjoejones as he shook hands with the mayor. “Long time no see” he said to the President, “what brings you here“. ’I was on my way up from the south of the solar system. Headed for the North Rocks after this” Gush answered.

After a long conversation Billybobjoejones thought he would head down to the bar since it was Thursday night, and the Intergalactic Collage Football Season Kickoff had just started. He was waiting for this weekend, the first weekend in September, all year. He once played for the East Virginia Global (EVG). He played in Minor Galactic Football with New Antarctica, and a few years in Galactic Football with the Detroit Lions. Billybobjoejones even played four years of Intergalactic Football League (IFL) with the San York Sky Bombers.

Inside the bar Billybobjoejones saw a picture hanging up on the wall. It was his cover of Sports Animated 3D. The picture was of him holding the Rookie of the Year award, MVP, Playoff MVP, and Intergalactic Football League Champion trophy. Next to the picture was his favorite vintage album, Tha Carter III. The artist of the Album was African American Lil Wayne. Both his magazine cover, and Tha Carter III came out in the same month 3,000 years apart.


  1. I thought your story about Billybobjoejones was very funny. You should do comedy writing.

  2. very very random but was definatly worth reading pretty funny.
