Thursday, November 12, 2009
Reflection Upon the Debate
Friday, November 6, 2009
What Emerson says in “The American Culture” still holds true today, and in fact is more common.
Emerson’s idea is more common, because jobs these days are more specific. An example of this is in teaching. Teachers used to teach kids of all ages, multiple subjects at the same time, all in one classroom. Now each teacher teaches sometimes only one age, and just one specific subject. the thing is that not many teachers can teach different subjects.
What Emerson said is still true, because every day people are turned down from jobs, because they can't do other things. Many people are forced to pay money to go back to college to get a degree in another field. Not only are they paying more money, but they re making very little if any money while going to school.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Capitilization Story
Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away, a human named Billybobjoejones Jackson wanted to learn about his father. You see Billybobjoejones had never known his father, but he had heard that he was a powerful man. Billybobjoejones decided that he would start his search for info about his father at the Intergalactic Space Station. The Intergalactic space station was 15 parsecs from Billybobjoejones house on the planet of East Virginia. After making the trip on his trash powered Air Hogs Motorcoptor, Billybobjoejones arrived at the space station.
Billybobjoejones Uncle Ejo worked at the Intergalactic Space Station. When Billybobjoejones got there he started to talk to his Uncle. Ejo said that he had just talked to Cousin Charles, and that Charles said that Billybobjoejones dad was in the Galactic Rio Grande Bible. Billybobjoejones found out that his dad was Zeus. He was astonished to read this in the Bible Atlas. “I can’t believe that I am the son of a god” cried Billybobjoejones. As Billybobjoejones continued to read on, he found out that his Uncle was Buddha. Once he was done Billybobjoejones went to see Mayor Flapjackjillrobinson. Billybobjoejones and Roger Flapjackjillrobinson were best friends growing up. Roger was the mayor of the Intergalactic Space Station.
When Billybobjoejones got to mayor Flapjackjillrobinson’s office he was amazed to see that President Borge M. Gush was also there. Gush was the president of the entire Galaxy. Billybobjoejones thought that it was funny when he found out that President Gush was there to take speech lessons. Gush was not known for giving great speeches. “Nice to see you roger” greeted Billybobjoejones as he shook hands with the mayor. “Long time no see” he said to the President, “what brings you here“. ’I was on my way up from the south of the solar system. Headed for the North Rocks after this” Gush answered.
After a long conversation Billybobjoejones thought he would head down to the bar since it was Thursday night, and the Intergalactic Collage Football Season Kickoff had just started. He was waiting for this weekend, the first weekend in September, all year. He once played for the East Virginia Global (EVG). He played in Minor Galactic Football with New Antarctica, and a few years in Galactic Football with the Detroit Lions. Billybobjoejones even played four years of Intergalactic Football League (IFL) with the San York Sky Bombers.
Inside the bar Billybobjoejones saw a picture hanging up on the wall. It was his cover of Sports Animated 3D. The picture was of him holding the Rookie of the Year award, MVP, Playoff MVP, and Intergalactic Football League Champion trophy. Next to the picture was his favorite vintage album, Tha Carter III. The artist of the Album was African American Lil Wayne. Both his magazine cover, and Tha Carter III came out in the same month 3,000 years apart.
Sunday, October 25, 2009

I mean for so many years Madden had been the number one game, and NHL wasn’t even popular. Now it is completely different, NHL is the most popular game in the world, and the legendary Madden is fighting to just stay in the top ten. Everybody loves Madden NFL, it is one of the greatest games of all time, and no gamer can wait for the new one to come out each year, but is it still the best sports game out there. In the last two years NHL 09, and 10 have been voted the best game by the gamer world. My one question for you is how did this happen. games in the world.
Now when I read about this in Sports Illustrated Kids I first thought (being a huge NHL fan) that it was about time that NHL got some credit. Then after I thought about it a little bit, I realized that NFL had been untouchable, and I began to question how NHL defeated Madden, but it really didn’t take long. All NHL did was make the game more realistic.
In the past games could get away with not being realistic, because people would just say it’s just a game. Not anymore, what gamers look for now is realistic features in a game. The more realistic a game is the more popular it is. The problem that Madden is facing is that their game is much harder to make realistic. The truth is that football is so much harder to make every aspect of it realistic in a video game. When you play as the quarter back, you can’t control his arm speed, the moves he makes, or the way he throws (over the top, side arm). However in NHL it is much more complex.
The best thing that the NHL makers did was add the skill stick. This is where the right analog is used as your stick, and the left as your skating direction. This allows you to control your players stick chandelling, power of shot, placement of shot, and now even foot control so much better. You can now make real life deaques in a game, along with real snipes, and amazing puck control. Even with all of these advances the thing that makes the game so good is the little details. I’m talking about stick, glove, helmet, skate, and other equipment models, jersey tuck, and player profiles. The bottom line is that NHL is the best game because of how realistic it is, and I think it will stay above Madden for a while.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
This week something very interesting happened in the news. President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Many people were shocked to hear this, but it was even more shocking when the reason he got the award became known. The President won the Nobel Peace Prize for his future goals in foreign relations. This was right away thought of as a bit of a stab at the Bush administration, because Obama had not really done anything, yet, but he had been given the award for his intensions over the next four years.
I was extremely surprised by this, because it says that either no one did something for peace, or that the council simply had it predetermined that they were going to award the President of the United States. I say this, because the President hasn’t done really done anything yet, nor has he had the time to for that matter, and I find it hard to believe that one of the few things that he has done yet got him enough to win the award. Suppose, that it was however one of those down years in the peace world, can you honestly tell me that no one else in the world did something that could beat Obama’s future plans.
Think about it. The President won the award for saying that he was planning on doing something. Now I am not saying that I don’t have faith in the President, or that he won’t do what he says, but there have been a lot of people that said that they were going to do things, and haven’t. If he can win the Nobel Peace Prize for just saying that he is going to do something, I should of said hey I plan to cure the world of disease, and war in one year. I mean I could have been 1.4 million dollars richer.
Anyway the real focus now turns to President Obama. He will now have an even bigger spotlight (as if it could get any bigger) on him for the next four years. We will have to see if he holds to what he said, and if he truly does change the United States economy, and future around. We will have to see if he shows us why he truly won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, but most importantly, we will have to see if he can show us the change that was promised to America.
Friday, October 9, 2009
It wasn’t just the fact that they lost in both of the games, or that they gave up a lot of goals, it was the quality of the shots that scored. The shots were going right through the goalies, simple, harmless shots that somehow went on the ice right under the goalies. I am a goalie, and I play Bantam AA travel hockey. Kids at my level are still far away from the pros, and most will never make it, but even at that level the goals that were being given up by Osgood, and Howard (Red Wings goaltenders) are considered week goals.
I did however see things that were positives. Even though they gave up nine goals in the first two games, the defense looked good, which was a positive sign. Last year their defense had faulterd at a part of the season, and the team lost many games in that period. It was good to see the team play good D, however you can’t give up an average of 4.5 goals a game, and expect to have a fifty win season like they have the past two years.
The bottom line is this, Detroit is going to have to work harder this season, and they are going to need the goaltending to be there. The Western Conference central division has got a lot stronger, and the Wings are really going to have to compete for the divisional title this year. In my mind I wouldn’t be surprised if the Red Wings didn't win the divisional tilte. For some odd reason this year just kind of seems like one of those rebuilding years for the Wings.
We lost three important players in the offseason (Marian Hossa, Mikael Samulleson, and Jiri Hudler). Most people say that Hossa was the biggest loss, because he wasthe best of the three, but I look at it like this. We won the cup in 2008 without Marian Hossa. He may be good, but the guys who make the Red Wings the way they are is the role players (Hudler, Samulleson). In the 2008 finals they both had a game winning goal, and Hossa did not have one in the 08, or 09 finals. All Im saying is that it was bigger that we lost them, than Hossa. If the Wings don't win the division, or even the Conference, it won't be huge. As long as they make the playoffs, and have a good offdeason next year, they will be fine.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Few I thought as I got to my locker. My First day of High School was finally over. I grabbed my language arts stuff feeling good. I had gone through the whole entire day without forgetting where my class was, getting lost, or not remembering my locker combination. I wasn’t even late to class.
As I walked out the doors and down the steps I realized that I had no idea where my bus was parked. I saw a group of people huddled around a pole and quickly walked up to it. On the pole was a taped piece of paper with a list of the busses and where they were parked. I scanned the list and looked for the letters AW, but they weren’t their. Confused I paced around to the back of the line to see if the bus had just pulled in. It wasn’t there either.
I glanced around and recognized a kid named David who rode the same bus. I glided up to him and asked him if he had seen the bus yet. “No I can’t find it” he mumbled. I told him there was a list and that our bus wasn’t on it. We noticed a few other kids that rode the same bus who were still looking for it. We walked up and asked the lady in charge of keeping track of the busses and we asked her where bus AW was. “Bus AW is…” she said as she looked at her list “not here yet. Just sit tight” she continued “I’ll go find out where it’s at”.
David wasn’t happy. He paced back and forth like a grumpy old man. “Great” he said “the first day and our bus doesn’t show up“. About ten of us sat on the short stone wall and waited as the busses began to take off. I realized I hadn’t seen my sister and I wondered where she was at. I pulled out my phone and text her “where r u”. A few seconds later she replied “on the bus”. I got a huge sinking feeling in my stomach the size of the Titanic.
The day was going great, nothing had gone wrong, I thought that I had made it through the whole day, but then something I wasn’t even worried about messed it up. I thought about walking home since I only lived a little more than a mile from school but I decided to call my grandpa. I spread the news, and the others called for a ride. Five long minutes latter my grandpa arrived and I hopped in the car feeling a bit embarrassed. I couldn’t believe that I missed
Apples, my favorite snack on a way to a game. Macintosh is my favorite, and I eat one almost every day.
Baja Fresh the best Mexican food in all the land (at least that I have ever had). The greatest chicken quesadillas and ships with three layer sauce (guacamole, sour cream, Pico de Gallo).
Cars, the expensive ones, the rare ones that are customized, and made to look awesome. The features, the rims, the paint job. I love customized cars.
Dodge Ball, one of my favorite movies. It is one of the most hilarious, and humorous movies in so many ways, and it has a good story to it.
Eagles, one of my two favorite football teams. Donovan McNabb, one of the premier quarterbacks in the NFL with Brian Westbrook and there all rush defense. The are exciting every time that they hit the field.
Family Guy. My favorite cartoon. I love the constant snapshots and flashbacks of hilarious incidents. I love the Blue Harvest Episode.
Garbage. It is everywhere. We make more, and more every day. Eventually we are going to have no more room for it. Then what are we going to do then. I believe that we are going to have to send trash out into space, so we have room on earth.
Hockey, the best sport in the world. Crisp, fast pace, end to end action. I love to watch the amazing plays, great saves, and the unbelievable competition that is second to no other professional sport.
Internet. One of the most important if not, the most important thing in the world. It is the Universal thing that allows people all around the world to communicate. It has revolutionized the way we live our life, and it has revolutionized almost everybody’s life.
Jacob, my name. The most popular name in the world. Which, had it not been for my half sister having a half brother (other side of her family) named Michael, my name would have been Michael too.
Kittens, the cutest animals in the world. Their personalities are hilarious. They attack anything that moves, and are as curious as can be. It is amazing when you look back and see how much they have grown and changed.
Lil Wayne, the best rapper in the world. He has revolutionized the rap industries. He sold over one million records the first week his record “Tha Carter III” came out. Not to mention that almost every song on that album was great. Lil Wayne changed the face of cash money records. He is seen as one of the greatest rappers of all time by people all over the globe, and He seems to be in almost every big song these days.
Money, the very thing that all of our lives revolve around. It is the way we eat, sleep, and think. Money, money, money. It has overcome even logic. Businesses now think with how much money is made, not with if the job was done right or not.
Nature, the very thing that humans, and their big egos, continue to destroy every day. We don’t care that it helps us find cures for diseases, or that it is very valuable. We only care about what the land could be used to make money.
Obama, our new president who promised good change. He will have to work hard to do what he has said he will, and he will have everybody watching him. We will have to see if he can turn this country around, but if he can, he will be known forever as a hero of the United States.
Popcorn. One of the best foods ever. You can eat it anytime. At the movies for dinner, or lunch. For a snack after school. It is one of the foods that never you never get bored of eating.
Questions. We are taught to ask them if we are not sure about something, yet in other cultures they do not do the same. For this reason the U.S. citizens are criticized, which is kind of stupid, but it is just someone else’s opinion.
Ravens, my other favorite football team. Their defense has always been dominating with Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Terrell Suggs, Chris McCallister, and more. But since they added Joe Flacco they have been unbelievable. They finally have a offense, and are going to be one of the premier teams in the league.
Stanley Cup finals. A grueling season game series between the top teams from each conference. Teams have to battle for every square inch of ice. The constant end to end perfect hockey that all fans dream of.
The Super Bowl, the game that everyone in the U.S. watches. We always have home made nachos and sit in front of the TV to watch the big game. It is just one game, 60 minutes to see who is the better team.
Uganda, where the innocent children are being forced to fight. The Invisible Children is trying to end this 23 year war. It seems however that it will never end. So many times they have come close to peace, but they have never achieved it.
Victory. The best part about sports. Hearing that final buzzer sound and your team being on top. It is a few seconds of pure happiness that are priceless.
War, it never stops, and it most likely never will as long as humans are on the world. We can never get along for long enough, and we always want more. That is why the war never ends. It is just human nature.
eXcitement. The one thing that is never underestimated. People hype things up more than they spend on the actual event. It isn’t logical, but it happens all the time.
Yachts, the palace for ocean goers, and sea lovers. They are also used for showing off ones wealth. Some are better than some houses.
Zoo, the place where animals are kept hostage for people to see, and organizations to do research. The animals are also held their so the zoo can make money.
Friday, September 18, 2009
I was amazed by how much better High School is than Middle School. At Stevenson there is no more having to stand in the entrance before school until the bell rings. No more having to sit at the lunch table until you get dismissed. But the best of all was no more Holmes Vice Principal standing over you and watching your every move.
When I got to school for the first day, after I went to my locker, and then went to start talking to my friend, we walk into C hall and realize that we have a half an hour before school starts. Now I'm thinking why the heck they make me get up at 5:45 in the morning and have to get on the bus at 6:30 so we can get there 30 minutes early. I mean I have to be at the bus stop an hour before school, and I hate getting up in the morning.
The next thing about the first day is that you hear the same tardy policy that you heard last week at orientation in every hour of the day. By fifth hour it was like really you have the same tardy policy as the rest of the school, what were the chances of that.
All in all it wasn't that bad of a day. It may have been the longest first day since it wasn't a half day like all the other first days, and you got a long lecture in every class. I got through the whole day just fine and only had to write a paper for home work. It was great to see your friends and catch up with everyone after the fast summer. It was a great day but then after I got through all of the things that you worry about, I missed the bus and my perfect day was ruined.